Church Families & Friends of Camp Northfield, As we wrapped up our Labor Day Weekend and Barbecue just a few days ago, it was hard to believe that the 2022 Camping Season is drawing near to an end. As I write this, I am sitting on the back porch of the Hilltop Lodge. Those who have sat up here can picture with me the view, sounds, and feel of the breeze. I see a mountain side of beautiful New England foliage and a hillside of many projects and much work completed. I am thankful for the many faithful men and women who have sacrificed much to see Camp continue forward. Serving together brings joy and friendships that cannot be matched!
Perhaps the most exciting project we were blessed to see complete this year was our Pool Project! We are still in awe of God's goodness and provision! When we started the
project in February of this year, we were expecting to wrap it up in 2023, maybe even 2024. But God had other plans! Thank you to all who donated, volunteered, and prayed - you all made many campers very happy! The pool was used nearly every day this summer - from the very first day of Pioneer Camp, to staff swim times each weekend, all the way through to Labor Day Family Camp. The slide was, needless to say, a hit! And the large patio that was poured around the pool provided a relaxing spot for campers old and young to lounge or dip their feet in the water. How great is our God?!
Our camping season numbers were nearly doubled this summer compared to 2021! We had a total of 178 separate registrations for our Youth Camps. With more campers, came the need for more staff. We are thankful for each and every one of our 39 staff members from this season. Some gave a few days, some a week, others the entire summer. But each and every one of them was no doubt sent here by the Lord for "such a time as this."

We are thankful for your faithful prayers over our campers, property, and even our family - but please do not stop bringing our staff members before His throne. Many of these young men and women are going through a period of change and decisions in their lives. Pray they seek the Lord in all things and continue to serve and honor Him wherever He leads them. Here are their names: Claire M., Billy G., Chris M., Kara C., Daniel G., Kevin R., Marion B., Emma K., Heather J., Jennifer R., Caleb V., Matt L., Jack K., Hannah H., Natalie W., Rebecca K., Alyssa O., Katie O., Sammy D., Alice B., Katheryn T., Sarah L., Jimmy B., Madaline D., Rose M., Vicki H., Kayleigh B., Rebekah S., Christine G., Lily D., Jenaesia J., RJ H., Logen B., Sam H., Joel H., Tyler C., Sal N., Jonathan R., and Anna H. This list does not include the numerous other volunteers we have had throughout the season. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to each and every one of these men and women!
Many decisions were made for Christ this year - including 8 decisions to accept His gift of salvation! A highlight of each week is the testimony fire on Friday night. This is always a sweet time of sharing His goodness and praising Him. We heard many testimonies this year from young people making public their decisions to rededicate their lives to the Lord. Pray for these young men and women. We know that a soul on fire for the Lord is one of the devil's greatest enemies. Pray they remember to stand fearlessly for the truth!

Our camping weeks were wrapped up with a work week with Hilltop Baptist Church from Indiana, Pennsylvania. They worked many long days to repair the bee and woodpecker damage on the Hilliker Lodge and to stain it again. This is a project that will have to be done every few years if we want to minimize the damage these insects and birds can do. It is a big undertaking, but our supporters from Hilltop Baptist did a great job! A few members of their team also did some work on both staff buildings, helping to get them stabilized for next season. This year marked the first in many that both staff buildings were open, operational, and full!

As we already begin to look ahead to the 2023 season, we are making every attempt we can to keep our registration costs at an affordable price. We have all been watching, albeit painfully, as prices have continued to rise. We have historically charged only what is needed to keep our doors open and healthy food on the tables for our campers. This will not change. However, there will likely be a small price increase prior to the 2023 season. If the Lord so lays it on your heart to help us keep Camp open to many, prayerfully consider joining our Dollars-a-Month club. It takes less than 5 minutes to sign up through our website. You can give any amount you choose and set up a recurring, automatic payment. If you would rather give by check, just mark "Dollars-a-month" in the memo line. We are trusting the Lord for the financial future of Camp Northfield. We would be remiss to not give Him the glory for 61 years of faithful, un-waivering provision. God is good yesterday, today, and forever!
Ladies, make plans to attend our Ladies Retreat this coming September 23rd and 24th! Our time together last year was a sweet time of fellowship - we are looking forward to another wonderful weekend this year. Mrs. Nancy Jackson from Hopewell Junction, NY will be our keynote speaker. There will also be opportunity to hear from others in breakout sessions on Saturday morning. Encourage the teen girls in your life to attend with you! There will be a breakout session planned just for them! To find more information or to register, visit our website! The weekend following the Ladies Retreat, there will be a fall shutdown weekend. It will be a busy few days with a lot of work to be done. After a successful weekend last year, our spring opening was much easer! Many hands make light work. If you are interested in staying for the full weekend or for a full day, please reach out to Tom at as soon as possible.
Be looking for more information coming soon regarding our 2022 Christmas Banquets. They will be held on the first two Fridays and Saturdays in December! We thank you again for your faithful prayers and support this season! We are looking forward to a wonderful 2023!
Yours for Christian Camping, Tom and Christi Jackson