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"The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build."

- Nehemiah 2:20


For many of Camp's beginning years, the full time staff had access to three different homes on Camp property. For various reasons, two of those homes have needed to come down in the past 30 years, leaving only a 1 bedroom Cape for staff housing.

The past two Director's families have filled this small home well. And with the pending arrival of the Jackson's third child in November, the need for more space has become even more pressing. 

Building an additional home on Camp's property will make it possible for Camp's full time staff to grow as the Lord allows. The current Director's home will remain well taken care of and used until the Lord sends a second family to fill it! 


  • Cannot be expanded on due to the close proximity of the septic system behind the house and the artesian well on the east side. 

  • Cannot be built up further without losing the garage. 


  • Build a 2,000 square foot modular home elsewhere on Camp property which will meet the Jackson's and any future Director's needs. 

  • Keep the current Director's house for future needs, staff housing, etc.


  • The Camp Board anticipates the cost, from site work to completion, to be about $400,000.

  • Camp Northfield's Board of Directors is unified behind this project. It must be undertaken, for the Jackson's current needs and the future needs of Camp.


  • Pray for this need. God can, and will, provide just as He did for Camp's pool.

  • Prayerfully consider how you can help meet this need. Camp has no endowment or investment income to draw from, it is entirely dependent on camper income, one-time gifts, and monthly church and individual support. 

  • Checks can be mailed directly to Camp Northfield at 96 Wanamaker Road, Northfield, Mass 01360. Please notate "Housing Project" in the memo line. Online support can be given through the link below. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or need additional information, feel free to contact any Board Member directly. Their contact information can be found here

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