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Camp Northfield Update 1/2023

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Dear faithful friends and supporters of Camp Northfield,

Our 2023 Season has finally arrived! We are thankful and honored to serve here at Camp Northfield for another year.

Choosing the theme for this year wasn't difficult as we witnessed the public outcry over the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. We know and trust that life begins at conception, that all humans are created equally and for a divine

purpose, and that God makes no mistakes in our design. It's our heart's desire that every soul, young or old, that joins us this season will leave Camp with a confident understanding of who they are in Christ. Would you pray with us that the Lord would soften the hearts of all those who will attend Camp Northfield in 2023? Registration for retreats and the summer season will open online March 1. Until then, you can find more information, including a schedule of events, on our website. Our 2023 brochure will be hitting mailboxes soon!


Thank you to all who attended, donated towards, and worked for our 2022 Christmas Banquets! We enjoyed four wonderful evenings of celebration of our Savior's Birth!

Praise the Lord, due to your faithful giving, our auctions brought in a total of $3,804 - that's enough to send 11 children to a week of camp this year completely free of charge! Pastors and Children's Program Leaders - please make us aware of needs as they arise within your church so we can work together to get these kids to Camp! God is good!


Our Hilliker Game Room is currently undergoing an exciting renovation. Updates include the installation of a program office, a fresh coat of paint, new and updated games, and the addition of new furniture. If you would like to be a part of updating this space so that it can be used to it's fullest

potential, you can donate here. Just notate on the donation that it is for the Game Room Updates. You can also shop our Amazon Wish List for this project. We are excited to see how this space will be utilized in the years to come!


Arctic Blast 2023 is coming up on February 4! Register online today to secure your spot in this exciting event! Would you pray with us that we get some snow accumulated before this event? But, don't worry, the event will proceed with or without snow!


As we enter 2023, we look ahead with eagerness and excitement for what the Lord will do. We are truly so thankful to be a part of this ministry and to have the privilege of serving alongside you all! "Know ye that the LORD he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of His pasture." - Psalm 100:3

For Christian Camping, Tom and Christi Jackson



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